Friday, June 20, 2008

Even More Children's Photos

Final group of my children's photos.

This is my 13 1/2 year old son. He's a dare-devil on a skateboard and regularly learns new tricks. He loves to do acrobatics and jump on the trampoline. He is very outgoing and makes friends easily. This year, he discovered a talent of improvisational acting. He is an outdoor person, who needs fresh air and sunshine in large quantities.
This is our 15 1/2 year old daughter. She has a delightful sense of humor and loves spending time with her friends. She has more determination than anyone I have ever known. She loves helping others and volunteers her time to several organizations. She's matured so much the last year. She is my right hand helper for 9 months of the year. She and her brothers enjoy fencing. She takes fencing seriously and recently beat the Champion of the Renaissance Fair.
This is my 20 1/2 year old daughter who is off to college most of the year. She loves music of all kinds and has introduced her room-mates with opera and many Broadway show tunes. She began rock climbing this year. She is level-headed and plans ahead. We all miss her during the school year, but enjoy her company during the summer.

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