Saturday, January 10, 2009

Snow, Snow, and more Snow

After all the heavy piles of December snow melted last week, my family had decided that spring must be just around the corner. The boys went skateboarding. The girls were playing on their swing set and trampoline. Then, the snow began falling, and falling, and falling. We've gotten 15 inches in the last 1-1/2 days.

Yesterday, I ran to the grocery store to stock our very empty pantry. The hydraulic lifts for the van's trunk broke about a year ago. Mike provided me with a piece of wood to use to prop the VERY heavy trunk door open. While I was loading the groceries, the piece of wood slipped and the door fell on my head and arms. It knocked me to the ground. After regaining my sense of balance, I slowly drove home. Mike has promised to repair the door ASAP. I spent yesterday afternoon and evening in bed with a heating pad and pain-killers. I'm still pretty sore today and my head still aches, so the boys and Katie have spent a lot of time shoveling.

This is the view from the door off the deck.

Joe has spent the most time shoveling. He even made a path to the dog kennel. The snow is way over Buster's head.

Amy, just in case you were missing your car. We should be able to dig it out by Easter. ;)

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