Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Harry Potter 6, Are You Ready?

There's only one month and six days until the release. We watched this trailer and are really excited about the upcoming movie. Book 6 is one of my favorites in the Harry Potter series. It will be hard to wait for the second half, but I'm glad that they split the book into two movies, instead of missing huge sections of the story line. Usually, the HP movies are released in November and the kids and I take a field trip and see it when all the traditionally schooled children are in school. There will probably be full theaters on the July 15 release.


Glenda said...

I didn't know they were doing this one in two also, I thought it was only the 7th one they were splitting in two movies.

We'll most likely reread it prior and go to the theatre, although I don't know if on opening day or not.

Karen said...

I received the information from one of my children. Maybe I should double-check their info.