Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Homeschooling Experiences

My oldest daughter mentioned that her college room-mates thought that she had some strange expressions and school experiences. Here are some of the "weird" things that are part of our children's homeschool experience:

1. When one child is aggravating another and won't stop, they are told to "Stop twisting (insert name's) tail."

2. Magnifying glasses purchased for viewing nature are never used for that purpose. They are used to start fires in the backyard using dried leaves.

3. "Twenty Item Pickup" is the most frequent statement throughout the day.

4. "PB's" do not refer to peanut butter sandwiches. It's used when a toddler or infant has a hugely messy diaper and stands for "poopy blowout".

5. The first three classes of the day are done wrapped in blankets, lying on couches, drinking coffee or hot chocolate in front of the fireplace. We do Bible history, history, and literature read-a-loud before getting down to written assignments. It gives me a while to wake up and the younger kids usually curl up on some one's lap to listen quietly.

6. I don't care if the kids do school work in their lounge pants and slippers all day. They do need to get dressed if leaving the house or if someone is coming over.

What are normal happenings at your home school, that public schooled students think are unusual?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not starting lessons until 9 or 10 am. . .because that's when we've finished breakfast and such.
The kids do most of their work independently, some things I teach but other things I'm just there to answer questions as needed.