Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tic Removal

Last night, Michael found a huge tic in Paige's scalp. It was as big as the top knuckle of my little finger. YUCK! He tried pouring oil on it. He tried removing it with tweezers, but wasn't able to get the tic to unlatch. So at 9:15pm, the two of them went to the emergency room. To save others the expense and aggravation of a visit to the emergency room here is how to remove a very large and stubborn tic.
1. Fill a small cup (Dixie works fine) with lanolin.
2. Turn cup upside down on top of the tic.
3. Hold in place for 15 minutes.
4. Carefully remove the now dead tic.
5. Wash hair thoroughly!!

Paige is my child who fears bugs of all kinds. She cringes when flies are inside the house. Spiders cause screams of fear. This was a really scary event for her, but she behaved well at the hospital. Mike rewarded her with ice cream on the way home.

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