Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekend Activities

Sunday afternoon, Amy, Steve, Joe, and I spent 5 hours at my mom's house doing yard work. I mowed 4+ acres while the kids spread mulch around several of my mom's trees. The mulch spreading is back-breaking work and I'm so proud of how much they accomplished. After 3 hours of mulch work, the kids began burning some of the HUGE brush pile my mom has accumulated over the last 5-6 years. They made a dent, but there are still many, many hours of burning to be done over this summer. All of use ended up with red skin and sore muscles. We decided to do all of my mom's yard work in one day because the temperatures are going to continue to escalate throughout the week, hovering around the 90 degree mark.

Today, Joe began his week of day camp at a nearby Y-center outdoor program. It is one of the few times that he has attended something without one of his siblings around. When I picked him up at 4:45 he said that he had a pretty good time, but there is too much waiting around for people to be quiet or get ready for the next activity. When we were about 1/2 way home, Joe mentioned that the camp does not provide lunch or snacks for the campers. No one told us that! Poor Joe was dropped off before 8:00 this morning! He must have been starved. One boy gave Joe a gummy bear, but that was all he had to eat. He was too embarrassed to call me to bring him lunch.

Mike will be making a stop at the grocery store on his way home from work to pick up lunch bag friendly foods. I usually cook something for lunch, so we don't have normal lunchbox type of foods in the cupboard.

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