Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter 6

The weather forecast predicted rain and thunderstorms. I don't drive at night, especially if it has been raining. My night vision is terrible. So the 5 oldest children and I piled into Amy's Grand Am and she drove us to the theater. We arrived at the mall theater around 11:25 pm for the 12:01 am showing. I purchased the tickets a few days ago to speed up the process. The entry line for pre-purchased tickets wrapped around the end of the mall past 9 stores and out the exterior door. The theater had 7 security guards watching the line, but about 2 dozen people were still able to cut in line. The kids and I were worried that we would miss the beginning of the show. At 12:00 am, we were 4 stores away from the theater, but the line began to move more quickly.

At 12:15 am, we had finally entered the theater and were able to find 6 seats together. The movie screens were blank and even the previews had not started. Some of the kids wanted to purchase popcorn and drinks, so Amy and I stayed behind to guard the seats. The plan was to call the kids if the movie began before they returned.

The movie finally began around 12:27 am. The previews for the upcoming movies were interesting and the kids are excited about several movies that will be out in the fall. Where the Wild Things Are piqued Amy's interest a lot. I think it was one of her favorite children's books.

****ALERT! I will be discussing the movie, so if you want to see the movie with no advance information, stop reading now. I have tried to not give spoilers.***

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is a really good movie. Unfortunately, like all the HP movies, there were a lot of parts missing from the book. There were not as many trips in the pensive. Greybeard was not mentioned (although his wanted poster was displayed.) There was no big fight at the end of the movie. We learned less about Tom Riddle's past. Harry did not use his invisibility cloak very much.

Some other changes in this movie were that Hogwart's castle was different, extra scenes were added that were not in the books story line.

I enjoyed the movie and we will probably purchase it for someone at Christmas. Die hard fans will have a few complaints about the movie. But if viewed as a movie apart from the book, it was well done and the plot was fairly easy to follow.

We arrived at home around 3:15 am. Everyone had a good time and will remember their weird mom, who took them to the movies at midnight.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

You are not a weird mom, You are a great mom who likes to have fun!!