Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Time and projects

It's hard to believe that July is almost a week old. Last year, I spent July and part of August planning out our upcoming school year. By the time school started all the lesson plans were complete for the entire year. All the books and supplies were gathered together into one place or written in the planner to be picked up from the library. We had a great school year and accomplished tons of work. In May, I envisioned myself spending leisurely afternoons on the deck, planning the 2009-2010 school year.

Have I used my time wisely? No. I've been sewing and crafting. Much of the sewing time was for money-making projects. It was relaxing and enjoyable. But the exterior of the house still needs to be painted. The kitchen cupboards need a second coat of paint. The dining room and family room need to be painted. There are windows that need to be repaired. The garage sale that was planned for May is happening this week, so everything is torn up as we do a last round of de-cluttering.

And worst of all, none of the lesson planning has been started. I have six students and levels this year. It's a lot of planning and organizing. My youngest is beginning to learn to read. The 6 year old still needs a lot of help with her reading. So much of my time this school year will go to the youngest two girls. The older students need to have their year planned or there will be gaping holes in their education. Most of July is full of camps, weddings, visits from family, and finishing (beginning) my TO DO list. Therefore, August won't be much fun, because of all the school prep. YUCK!

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