Saturday, August 15, 2009


It's been hot and I'm not very motivated to do much cooking. For example, yesterday we had deli-style lunch meat sandwiches twice. Today, my skinny non-cooking, non-eating child asked if she could make dinner. She wanted to make oven roasted potatoes, a pot roast, tomato basil feta cheese salad, green beans, and corn. I asked her to wait until Monday when the temperatures will be back in the 80's.

A short time ago, she approached me and explained that she will need to get up early Monday morning to bake a chocolate cake, with pudding filling and fudgy chocolate frosting for dessert. Could I pick up some whipped cream to dollop on top of the cake? Talk about a fattening meal!

Who is this child? I'm really glad to see her want to do some cooking. It's great to see her want to expand her cooking skills. But, do we need to eat thousands of calories in one meal?

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