Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life Skills Home Schooled Students Lack

My 16 year old daughter recently began a job at our local library, following in her older sister's footsteps. Katie is really enjoying her work and her co-workers. After her job orientation, she was provided with a locker and combination. Poor child. Her terrible homeschool teacher forgot to teach her how to work a locker combination. After some good-natured ribbing by some of the other teen librarians and a couple of days of practice, Katie was able to open her locker without assistance.

Katie (the 16 year old) was bemoaning her lack of locker skills at the dinner table recently. Amy (who worked at the library for 4+ years) commented that she never did figure out how to work a locker combination. She leaves her purse at home and carries her drivers license in her pocket!

If this is the biggest problem from homeschooling her, I guess we did okay. :)

1 comment:

Kari said...

Very funny!

Like the day I realized my 2 little ones (3&5 at the time) didn't know how to stand in line and wait to hit the pinata at a birthday party.
