Saturday, August 29, 2009

Only Six Left

The morning, Amy and I drove up to her school with the remainder of her belongings. She begins classes on Monday for her senior year. The time has passed so quickly. It's hard to believe that she will be searching for a "real" job next summer.

Amy plans to continue tutoring home schooled students during the school year in English, literature, and Spanish. She enjoys tutoring and it will be nice to see more of her this year than we did last school year.

Madelyn commented that she will need to learn how to sleep in a room alone. She's been sharing a room almost her entire life. Madelyn inherited Amy's bedroom in May, but will be sharing with Amy on the weekends.

The house seems a little empty with Amy gone. The boys spent a lot of time teasing her and playing jokes on her all summer. It was fun to hear the laughter. Katie and Amy finally reached a stage in their lives when they could be friends and enjoy each other. What a blessing it was to see them helping each other, talking, and laughing together. I think Katie will miss Amy this school year.

We will have more changes in our family size during the next few years. I will have children graduating from high school (and/or college) every 2 years for the next four years. The children are beginning to reach the ages when they will need to spread their wings and move on to their adult lives. It's an exciting time, but there will be twinges of regret that childhood days will be ending.

It's good that Paige and Allie will remain for many more years which will ease the sadness.

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