Sunday, August 23, 2009

Waiting Impatiently

We made an offer on a house last Tuesday. This is the third home that we have tried to purchase. The other two homes were snatched up by other buyers before our offer was read. This home has 4 bedrooms, two baths, and is a 1900 sq. foot, two story home. The home is not in the country like we would have preferred, but has a 1/2 acre yard. The laundry room is on the main floor. There is a large family room and formal living room. The front door opens into the dining room, so we would probably turn the living room into a 5th bedroom. There is a patio and deck on the back of the house and a front porch. The back deck has a hot tub, which may or may not be in operating condition. There is a wood burner in the family room.

Hopefully, we will hear back from the realtor tomorrow. I'm not very good a waiting patiently. Saturday, I packed up 1 case of fancy glassware and three cases of empty canning jars. Can you tell I'm a little anxious?


Melinda said...

Oh I hope you get it!! Crossing my fingers.

Glenda said...

Oh so exciting and yet so agonizing! Hope you hear soon, or better yet, have heard by this time!