Monday, September 7, 2009

Fall School Schedule

With the exception of Katie's schedule for her internship, the family master schedule is complete for this fall. Here's the current school/activities schedule.

6:00am Mike and Amy head up north to drop Amy off at college.
8:00am Bible history, memory work, hymns with everyone.
8:30am Steve, Joe and Madelyn work on vocabulary and spelling, on their own.
Reading/Phonics for Paige and Alison with mom.
9:00am-12:00pm Katie is working at the library.
9:00am Grammar/writing for Steve, Joe, and Madelyn with mom.
Playtime for Paige and Alison.
9:30am Math for Paige and Alison with mom.
Steve, Joe, and Madelyn reading/literature.
10:00am History for everyone with mom.
10:30am Math for Steve, Joe and Madelyn with mom (my head spins as I work with
three children doing higher math at the same time. :)
Paige and Allie are on their own, creating messes of monumental proportions.
11:30am Lunch break (mom's brain recovers)
12:00pm I pick Katie up from the library and drop her off at the college. She
works on her studies independently until her class starts at 2:00.
Paige and Allie begin cleaning up their assorted messes from the morning.
12:30pm Science for all. I work with Paige and Allie, but am available to assist
the older children if needed.
1:00pm Older children continue science work.
Paige and Alison do penmanship and I read them stories.
1:30pm Rosetta Stone for the older children
Piano practice for whoever is not on the computer.

Schedule is the same, except Steve gets dropped off at the college at 8:30am for class and is picked up at 10:00am when the class is finished. Katie is done with school at 2:00. Joe and Steve have fencing class from 1:00pm-3:00pm. Paige and Allie have dance class from 5:00pm-6:00pm. Madelyn has dance classes from 6:00pm-8:00pm.

Similar schedule for school. Katie is finished at the library at 1:00pm and doesn't have class. No other lessons or classes. We will spend the afternoon and early afternoon at the new house working on painting etc.

Joe, Madelyn, and Steve deliver papers in the afternoon. Similar school schedule. Steve has class the same times as Tuesday. Katie has classes the same as Tuesday and the same as Tuesday's work schedule at the library. Madelyn and Joe have confirmation classes from 7:00pm-8:30pm.

No one has classes or outside activities. The children work independently on their studies in the morning and keep an eye on the younger girls. I leave at 7:30am to pick up Amy at college, because she has tutoring jobs Friday afternoons. Laundry in the afternoon and evening.

Work on housework and laundry in the morning. Katie cleans the neighbor's house in the morning. Spend the afternoon at the new house in preparation for moving. I will probably move some items each time we drive over to the new house.

Church. Afternoon nap

The children have until 8:00am the following morning to complete any school work that is not finished during the allotted school time.

It's going to be really hectic, while we are getting the new house ready. There will probably be days when we don't go to the new house, because we need to rest. At some point, we will be purchasing a van for me. Katie is planning on purchasing a car sometime this fall. Once she has transportation, my schedule will lighten.


Amy said...

Poor Mom, is your head spinning yet?

Karen said...

Let's just say that I'm working really hard and acquiring a migrain headache.
Have a great week! See you Friday!