Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Day of College/Dual Enrollment

Stephen and Katie finally got registered for their classes at the local community college. Stephen's first class (piano) was this morning. I mixed up the class times and arrived 30 minutes late to pick him up. He got a couple of comments on his small stature from 2 students, but both students were respectful and polite. A homeschool graduate (Caleb M.) who used to live down the street and a co-worker of Katie's is in the class with Stephen. He seemed to enjoy the class and is looking forward to his next class next Tuesday.

Katie is signed up for an honor's English class and a FLASH programing (computer) class. Her first class is this afternoon. She's excited about taking classes at the college. I'm so happy that she has made so many monumental leaps in maturity this year. Her self-assurance has grown dramatically.

Yesterday, she had a meeting for the paid internship she fill be doing this fall with our local newspaper. She was required to wear business clothing. I dropped her off across the street from the meeting place. As I observed her walking to the building, I noticed that she looks so old. When she came home, she mentioned that a man approached her and commented that she was so pretty and asked her if she was married. YUCK! She's 16!!! I'm getting less and less comfortable with our downtown area.

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