Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Walk on the Wild Side

Mike was home Monday and Tuesday this week. It's so easy to homeschool and take children to activities when there are two adults available. Yesterday, Mike took Paige and Allie to a local forest, so the older children and I could complete school work in quiet.

Here our the girls at the beginning of the walk. They walked over 3 miles in the afternoon, then attended dance class for an hour. At bedtime, they were still wide awake. Where do they get their stamina?

Mike pointed out some of the fungus is the forest and discussed never eating wild mushrooms unless an adult tells them that it is okay. Several years ago, we needed to call poison control because Madelyn ate a fungus on my mom's property. It was not an experience that I would want to repeat.

Mike let Allie gather rocks and sticks to her heart's content.

Meanwhile, Paige gathered Queen Anne's Lace into a bouquet.

The girls were able to suck sumac juice from some sumac leaves they found.

What a blessing that we home school. My younger girls were able to spend the afternoon with their dad, learning about plants and enjoying nature. The weather was so beautiful! I'm so glad that they weren't stuck inside a classroom doing workbook pages.

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