Friday, October 30, 2009

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb

Today was spent getting the house in order, running errands, and taking kids to activities. We really needed some baking supplies because I'm supposed to bring 6-8 cakes for my mom's Halloween party this weekend. So I stopped off at Aldi's to save a few dollars on supplies. I loaded up my goodies in cardboard boxes because I'm too cheap to purchase bags and headed out to the car. It was warm, but pouring rain. I quickly unlocked the door, threw my purse on the passenger seat and unloaded the boxes into the backseat. I was in a hurry because I didn't want the cardboard boxes to fall apart in the rain. The cart needed to be returned to the corral so I locked the door and dropped the cart off. Then realized that the car keys were on the passenger seat.

We haven't replaced my van yet and are borrowing my oldest daughter's car. No one else has keys to this car. The wonderful manager at Aldi's grabbed some wire and tried to help me unlock the door. Nothing worked. The Grand Am is one of the safest cars in regard to break-ins. After 1/2 an hour in the pouring rain, we called it quits and I called a lock smith. It took the lock smith 25 minutes (still raining) to open a door. By this time, I'm drenched and freezing cold. After handing him a check for $50 (Yikes!), I was on my way.

It's been a long time since I locked keys inside a vehicle. Hopefully, it will be a long time before I do it again.


Barb the Evil Genius said...

The police won't open it for you there?

Karen said...

The police will only open a car if a child is locked inside. Now, wouldn't you think that any child old enough to be left in a car would be capable of unlocking the door. We have very strict laws about children under 10 being left in cars without an adult.