Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Life With the Sneaky, Fussy Eater

I made a dish for supper that is similar to Shepherd's Pie. I used broccoli, chicken and turkey, mashed potatoes, and chicken gravy. It was cold outside today, so we needed comfort food. Unfortunately, Paige doesn't like broccoli or gravy. Chicken isn't her favorite meat either.

After receiving her SMALL portion, Paige asked if she had to eat the broccoli. Then (to make sure that I understood the problem), she mentioned that she doesn't like broccoli. I won't talk about the 10,000 times she has told me that she doesn't like broccoli. Tough. Because I'm a mean mom who likes broccoli, I told her she had to eat the 1 small floret that was on her plate.

Madelyn made a wonderful apple crisp for dessert. Everyone was finished eating dinner and asked if they could have some dessert. Everyone except Paige. Paige again mentioned that she REALLY doesn't like broccoli. Could she pleeeeease have dessert without eating the broccoli. I don't think so. There are NO vegetables that Paige likes.

Everyone else had a slice of apple crisp, while Paige remained sitting in her chair giving an impression of a starving beagle, begging for scraps from the table. I remained unmoved. Everyone finished dessert and left the table. A few minutes later, Paige reminded me that she has not had apple crisp and asked if she could be excused.

A short time later, Allie approached me and said, "Paige told me to eat her broccoli, but I wouldn't do it." (There was an incident recently where Allie ate Paige's vegetables, so that Paige could have dessert. Both girls were punished for their deception.) I am not pleased. Here's a portion of the dialogue that followed.

Mean Mom(MM): "Did you ask Allie to eat your broccoli?"
Misunderstood Child(MC): "Yes, but it was a joke. I thought that she would laugh."
MM: "What's funny about her eating your cold cooked broccoli?"
MC: "It was just a joke. I knew that you wouldn't understand!" (her eyes refuse to look directly at me and begin to fill with tears.)
MM: "What was going to happen after she ate your broccoli? I want to understand."
MC: "I was going to get apple crisp. It was just a joke! She didn't eat the broccoli."
MM: "This doesn't seem very funny to me. You were going to have someone else eat your broccoli and then you would get to eat dessert. Was I supposed to think that you had eaten the broccoli? That would have been a lie."
MC: "Well she didn't eat the broccoli and I have to get my pajamas on now and go to bed."
MM: "Is that what you think you should do?"
MC: "Good Night, Mom."

When I went to tuck her into bed, Paige had an important question for me. "Mom, can I have my apple crisp for breakfast?"


Ewe said...

We haven't gone this far in our house, but I'm expecting it soon. My oldest doesn't like melted cheese, yogurt, bananas, milk, and basically anything that he can recognize cream cheese or sour cream. We've had a lot of mileage out of "that's just the sauce"-to not admit that there is cheese in a dish, but I'm sure that line won't work soon. He is so weird that he asks for seconds and thirds when we have lentil soup, but he won't eat these "normal" foods like cheese. So far he hasn't talked his brother into eating what he doesn't like, but I'm sure that is coming. Right now he just sits there and picks at his food and then says he's full. I'm doing my best to remain consistent and stick with it like you do!

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness. . .what a clever girl! ;)