Sunday, October 18, 2009

New House Check Off List

I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed with all the things that I need to get done. Especially at the new house. Even though we don't plan to move until February, I still want to get some of the rooms in move-in condition. We will be responsible for keeping the sidewalks clear of snow. There are 264 feet of sidewalk that will need to be cleared before 8:00 am. The house is 2 blocks from an elementary school. I'm thinking that there may be days when we will want to camp out at the other house. Here's what we've accomplished so far.

Removed carpet from family room.
Removed 1/2 the paneling from the family room walls.
Hire contractor to fix roof over family room (he begins in 2 weeks.)
Washed walls, cabinets, ceiling of kitchen.
Primed kitchen walls and ceiling.
Painted exterior doors.
Washed walls and ceiling of dining room.
Primed walls and ceiling of dining room.
Washed living room walls.
Primed living room walls.
Removed living room carpeting.
Removed carpeting from upstairs hallway and stairs.
Removed carpet from all upstairs bedrooms.
Primed ceiling and walls of 1 upstairs bedroom.
Primed 1/2 of ceiling in another upstairs bedroom (we ran out of primer.)
Hauled all carpet to dump.
Removed wallpaper from one upstairs bedroom.
Washed all windows.
Trimmed bushes.
Planted 4 Rose of Sharon bushes.
Planted 5 mounds of ornamental grasses.
Cleared off cement foundation for shed to be built later this fall.
Installed new kitchen faucet.
Cleaned and bleached basement walls.
Removed weird structures in basement.

We still have a ton of painting and priming to do in the remaining rooms. All the flooring needs to be installed. I need to make curtains and purchase blinds for all the rooms. I have a lot more plants that I want to bring over to the new house, but I'm afraid that I have missed my opportunity. Mike still needs to install the privacy fencing for the areas that we need to enclose. Our dog will need a place to run around and I want the pool area to be private. And there are too many huge maple trees that are dropping their leaves. We need to get them raked and bagged before snow arrives or we'll lose the grass.

I keep hoping that we can get a few more weeks of warmish temperatures. So much to do......way to little time!

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