Monday, October 12, 2009

Teens Alone in Detroit

Back in September, Katie told Amy that she wanted to take her to see a band that they both like for her birthday. They talked it over and decided that they would invite a group of friends and all car pool together to see the concert, which was in Detroit. Invitations went out and then I was approached with the idea. I wasn't thrilled with the thought of my girls attending a concert in Detroit, but decided that it would be okay if they were in a group and if someone else drove, due to our car situation. I didn't want they stranded in Detroit at night.

Two weeks ago, I learn that only one friend is going. He has a dependable vehicle and plans on driving. Amy is uncomfortable attending a concert with Katie and a guy Katie works with at the library, so Amy invites Steve to go with them. Tickets are purchased and plans finalized. Then, I am informed that the concert is on Sunday at 7:00pm. At this point, I feel that I can't NOT let them go, but I'm not thrilled knowing that they will be out until the wee hours of the morning on a school night. (Another school day wasted!)

They left yesterday afternoon because they wanted to get good parking. When they arrived in Detroit the parking lots were full from another event in the area. The young man from the library has noticed a parking garage 15 blocks from the concert and wants to park there. He thinks that they can walk to the concert and back to the garage when the concert is over. (He's from a small town of 10,000 people.) Amy tells him that 15 blocks is too far to walk. They are arguing, when a policeman who is directing traffic, asks where they are going. They explain the plans and he tells them NOT to park in the parking garage 15 blocks from the concert, because the car will not be safe. YIKES! He directs them back to the full garage near the concert venue and tells them to wait until a spot opens up. Forty-five minutes later, they are safely parked in the garage and attend the concert.

On their way home, they miss the exit and end up in Ann Arbor. After stopping for a bite to eat at Denny's, they get directions back to the interstate. At 3:30am, they arrive home safe and sound. It will be a long time before I agree to a concert. I will ask lots of questions before giving permission to attend events.

Katie had to be to work at 9:00 this morning. She staggered to the car half asleep. Hopefully, she was awake when Mike dropped her off at work. Amy needs to be back at school this morning. She will probably sleep all the way to school before taking mid-term exams all afternoon. I remember the days when I could function on no sleep. Too bad they are long gone!

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