Thursday, October 1, 2009

Visit to the Park

My mom, sister and nephew came to the new house on Thursday. It was their first look at the place. I'd like to have more done on the house before I let everyone come visit. The new house is about an hour south of where we currently live. My nephew is two years old. After taking them through the house, I suggested that we go to a near by park. Max (my nephew) has a lot of energy and we don't have anything at the new house yet.

My mom, sister, Max, Paige, Allie and I drove over to the park. Steve skateboarded there. Madelyn and Joe ran to the park. The pedestrians got to the park before those of us in the car arrived. Paige, Allie, and Max were thrilled to see the animals at the petting zoo. There were baby geese and ducks that followed the kids throughout the park. The llamas chased each other around the pen much to the delight of Max and Allie. Paige loved the horse, which is actually more of a pony.

We walked through the park and crossed the various pedestrian bridges over the three rivers that meet in the park. Joe discovered some white foxes in an area that we hadn't discovered yet. The weather was a little cold, but the kids enjoyed playing on the slides and swings and walking around.

I really love the location of the new house. So many things are within walking distance. In our current neighborhood, few people go for walks. Even fewer adults ride bicycles. It seems to be common for people to walk to the store, parks, and library in the new town. I love to walk, but have felt weird walking in our current city. I'm really looking forward to not loading everyone in the car to pick up toilet paper or grab a book from the library.


Melinda said...

Are you going to post before pictures of your house so we can see the transformation to beautiful? Like home make over pictures.

Karen said...

I thought that as we completed each room, before and after pictures would get posted of that room. We were able to talk to Matt yesterday. I was afraid that he would not want to do the work because of travel time. He wants the jobs and is coming to give us an estimate on the roof on Tuesday! Yay!