Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Lack of Sound and Thinking

My oldest daughter loves writing papers when listening to music. I prefer to write when I don't have many distractions. Background noise gets me off-track and I lose my train of thought. I've been doing a number of tasks that don't require much thinking lately and have been listening to Christmas music at the same time. In the car, I listen to talk radio. My day is full of more sound than in previous times. One thing occurred to me today, I'm not finding solutions to problems as quickly as I had previously. My creativity is not being used. My brain is becoming lazy.

Homeschooling parents often state that homeschooling allows their children time to be imaginative, time to solve problems, and time to let their mind wander. At my home, the children have time to do those things, but I have slowly filled my time with noise. It started out as a way to tune out the sound of the children squabbling on a bad afternoons. Then, we started listening to the radio in the car to keep the noise level down. But, we don't talk to each other in the car any more. I'm having fewer good conversations with my children. These are not good things.

We live in a time when people are blessed with the ability to enjoy music whenever they want. We can also listen to news and weather forecasts to keep abreast of the current state of affairs. These listening opportunities also keep some people from actively participating in living. Instead of listening to Christmas music, I should be playing Christmas music on the piano. The children and I haven't gotten together to play musical instruments together in several months. Those are cherished times and should not be missed.

I will still listen to Christmas music and turn on the radio in the car. In the future though, it won't be from habit. There are so many other things I want to do with my time and thoughts.


Melinda said...

You have a good point there...

Kari said...

My life is full of so much noise! It's a huge battle for us. I used to like "background" music and didn't mind the kids listening to music throughout the day, but now I just find it causes competition to be heard and makes everyone louder.

In the car I have a rule... either the radio or talking, never both.

My husband is always listening to talk radio (UGH-political). ALWAYS. Drives me batty. I spend a huge portion of my day listening to the children bicker, I do not care to spend my downtime listening to adults do the same!

I think that's why I love camping so radios.

I crave quiet. How can I listen to what God might be whispering to me if my ears are always full?

Loved your post, it's so true!
Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

As a Newbie, I am always searching online for articles that can help me. Thank you