Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Practicing Out Skills

We're nearing the end of our school year.  The girls worked really hard during the long, cold, snowy winter and only have 4 English lessons and 40 math lessons left for this school year.  Our school days are short, which leaves plenty of time for other activities.  I love when we are able to spend most of the day outside once the weather warms up!

For Christmas, Paige and Allie received bows and arrows.  It's been difficult to wait until they could use them.  After supper, Mike and I spent some time coaching the girls on shooting.  Paige picked it up quickly and consistently hit the target.  Allie struggled a bit.  Part of the problem is that she is trying to aim with her head a foot away from the bow.  The other issue is that her arms got tired quickly.  She persevered and was delighted with her progress.