Sunday, October 21, 2007

Friends helping friends

I have a friend who uses a personal trainer to keep her on a regular exercise regime. She owns quite a bit of exercise equipment, but can't find the time to exercise. She finds that her time is needed by her children, so exercise gets postponed until later. Later never arrives. The personal trainer just raised the cost and my friend doesn't want to pay the new rate. As she was explaining this to me, I mentioned that the personal trainer workout because the trainer is at her door. My friend can't say later. After further conversation, my friend invited me and some of her other friends to exercise at her home once a week. I went on Friday and had a great time. We were able to catch up with each other, laugh together, and get a good workout.

Another benefit of the "Weekly Class" is that I'm now inspired to workout everyday. Today, I invited my mom to come to a local forest preserve and walk the trail. All my children that are at home, my husband and my mom had a great time. The fall colors are vibrant and the temperature was mid-70's. Everyone should sleep really well tonight. I took my camera along and managed to get some pictures of the kids frolicking in the stream.

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