Monday, June 16, 2008

Children's Play

The last couple of weeks have been hectic. My children spent way to much time playing computer games, playing video games, and watching tv. The weather has been really hot and rainy, so I've been more lenient about lazy activities.

Today the weather was beautiful. The temperature was 68 degrees with sunny skies. As a member of the Mean Mom Club, I sent all 7 children outside. I refused any computer, game system, and television time. The children were okay for the first hour, but then wanted to come inside. After telling them to go outside multiple times, I locked the outside door. Five minutes passed. Then my cell phone rang. It was my 15 year old daughter informing me that the 5 year old was telling everyone that I didn't like my children any more because I locked them out of the house.

After lunch, my 11 year old son played with the 3 and 5 year old girls. He is very thoughtful and has unique ideas. I never know what to expect from him. Later, I asked what they were doing. My 5 year old explained that they were playing spies with her brother. She mentioned that she and her younger sister were "the minions". I asked what that meant. She responded, with pride, that they had to do all of her brother's jobs and follow all his orders. The three year old ran over to me and also raved about this great new game. I asked if brother had to be their minion later, but learned that being the minion was fun. The only thing her brother was able to do was give orders.

After speaking to my son about not taking advantage of younger people, I had to laugh. If nothing else, the three and five year olds expanded their vocabulary today. Minions indeed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That totally sounds like something my brother did to me when I was little- I wanted to play with him so badly that bringing him food and drinks helped me feel like I was part of the fun.
As for outside play- I have been the same. It has been so hot that I hate going outside! My girls are so ready to go out and play, though, because they can see all of the kids playing in their little swimming pools and on the slip and slides. I need to convince myself to go out in that heat and let them have some fun! (I can't lock them out of the house though, because where I live I have to be outside with them- Darn rules forcing me to be a good parent! j/k)