Sunday, June 28, 2009

Children's Boredom

Steve is BORED. Really bored. For the last two days, he has been searching the Internet for a hobby. He has some interest in Live Action Role Playing often referred to as LARP. (I now feel some regret for making all those Robin Hood capes and LotR costumes when the boys were younger.) Steve began looking at various LARP sites for ideas. He discovered some swords made from pool tubes and pvc pipe. Four of the kids ran up to a Family Farm and Fleet store to purchase pvc pipe on their bikes. On their way home they came up with a game of jousting using the pvc pipes and their bikes. After dropping the pvc pipes off at home, the kids are off to the Dollar Store to purchase pool tubes. Somehow, I envision the rest of my summer looking something like this video.


Barb the Evil Genius said...

Just hope it's a lasting interest and they aren't back to looking for something to do next week. :)

Kari said...

Oh my, we have a unicycle. I haven't decided if I'll let the boys watch this or not.

How much free time would it afford me? Or would it be worth it if there was an emergency room visit thrown in the mix...

hmmm, off to ponder,

Karen said...

All day yesterday, my yard was filled with all the neighborhood children hitting each other with the swords, etc. I got a quiet afternoon inside withOUT children.