Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Intimidation and Personal Safety

Last night, Mike and I went to the local public library to pick up some books and DVD's. I was getting a huge stack of books for the younger girls and ended up with 4 large bags to carry out to the car. Mike grabbed two bags and headed out to the car. Another homeschool mom entered the library as I was leaving and we stopped to gab for a few minutes.

I began walking to the car and a man called to me asking for directions. He walked over to where I was standing, which was between two 50' raised planters. The two planters form a walkway to the parking area with no exits, except at the beginning and end of the planters. The man, who had been drinking, kept backing me into a corner and wouldn't let me pass. He was mumbling and incoherent. He kept getting closer and closer to me. Eventually there was only 3 inches between us, with me crammed up against the planter. He kept blocking me in, like a defensive basketball player. I was very uncomfortable. Was he after my purse? Would he harm me?

Mike could see me from the parking lot and came to rescue me from the situation. The man began yelling at Mike, but let me pass. My relief was unbelievable. Why was I unable to be rude to this man who was making me uncomfortable? I'm ashamed that I was unable to assert myself. This was a good learning experience for me and one that I will be using to teach my 5 daughters. NEVER let yourself be pushed into a situation, because you don't was to be rude. It's okay to forget good manners when someone is using your politeness to their advantage. All the kids and I will be doing some role-playing later today. And I won't be going to the library alone in the evening anymore.


Kari said...

Scary. I bet you won't ever let that happen again! It is in our nature as moms (or maybe women), I think, to always be careful about other's feelings.

But, now you know and, quite sadly, it may put you on the defensive for awhile...but that's okay. Treat it as practice and use it for training.

God may have used this as a reminder to you to make your daughters aware.

Something like that happened to me at a gas station once. I was alone, pumping my gas and I said "God bless you" to someone who sneezed. He came over and started talking to me, very nice and polite. It weirded me out when he noticed the stack of library books in my front seat and the I wasn't wearing my wedding ring. All in like 30 seconds.

Anyway, I'm glad you're okay.


Michelle said...

Oh boy - that is so scary! I'm glad that you are ok!