Friday, July 3, 2009

The Hot Air Balloons Have Returned

Early this morning, 6:30 am, I awoke to the sound of propane tanks shooting flames. Eight balloons were flying above my bedroom window. There were other background noises. Amy was loading tables and boxes into her car for the craft show. Joe was preparing sandwiches and asking if we were out of sandwich bags. We were. The older children and I were up until 1:30 am finishing projects for the show and packing items into cartons and crates. I really wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. Mike called Allie and told her that the balloons were up, so Paige and Allie ran to the front yard to see the balloons. The younger girls kept calling "hello" to the balloonists. Soon all the neighbors were standing in their front yards, wearing their robes and pajamas, and watching the balloons fly overhead.

Usually, I load all of the kids into the van and we following the balloons until they land. Several times my children have been given short rides by various balloon pilots. We will be hoping that the balloons are headed in our direction this year, due to a lack of transportation. The Balloon Festival is always fun for the kids who enjoy seeing the various shapes and colors fill the skies. The Thunderbirds will be flying during the festival two times again this year. My youngest daughter is now old enough that she won't be frightened of the loud engine noise. It will be a fun week.

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