Friday, June 5, 2009

Deep Cleaning

Mike installed a new door on the boys bedroom over the weekend. I'm really happy with the work he did and am glad to have that task off the To Do List. As I was inspecting the new door, I managed to get a good look at the boys' bedroom. YUCK!!!!! There were piles and piles of stuff everywhere. It's been awhile since I was in their room and I now know that I need to monitor the situation more closely.

I decided to take a walk throughout the room to get a better perspective. Did they need more shelf space? Closet and drawer space? Do they simply not put things away? All of these questions were answered with a resounding yes. The thing that drove me nuts the most was that their rug was bumpy. They don't have wall to wall carpeting, but have an area rug that covers the entire floor. There are/were many thousands of LEGO pieces underneath creating a pebbled beach effect. It was not something that made my heart sing. I'm hoping that I don't discover carpet damage when I get to the vacuuming stage of this project.

Today began the big deep cleaning project. It will probably take me all weekend to complete the bedroom, with and without the boys' help. I started by sorting out the few clothes that were in their drawers and discovered that most of the drawers are empty. And broken. The entire dresser is shot. In one row of drawers all the supports are missing. The drawers were simply stacked on top of each other. It's understandable why the boys weren't using their drawers to hold their clean clothing. Why didn't they mention that the drawers were broken. I've been complaining about washing clean clothing a lot lately. It's hard to keep clean and dirty piles of clothing separated when they are stacked on top of a dresser and on the floor. The piles mix and mingle and create more dirty laundry!

We hauled their dresser out to the garage for Mike to see if it is salvageable. Then we emptied the little girls' dress-up clothing and Barbie stuff out of the spare dresser and moved the spare dresser into the boys' room. Hopefully the dresser will hold up under rough usage.

While doing all the sorting and rearranging, I discovered many stray socks for various family members. This evening, I will reunite these strays with their mates. Wouldn't it be great if they could reproduce?

Before walking upstairs, I got a good look at the play room. Guess what will be getting deep cleaned next week?


Ewe said...

This post scares me because I can predict writing a similar post in about 5 more years about my 3 boys!

My husband comes from a family of 3 boys, and he says the boys didn't tell you about the broken dresser drawers because THEY DON'T CARE about clean/dirty clothes.

I injured my foot and then we have vacations, but in July/August I plan to start some deep cleaning here. Hopefully I don't discover "interesting things" like you did!

Melinda said...

It's a never ending job isn't it when you have kids! Hopefully it won't take you too long. By the way, I am home! Talk to you soon!

Karin said...

Ah yes. I need to drift to some more infrequented rooms as well. Isn't it a good feeling to at least get to ONE!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed! I should do the same in my boys' rooms but I am afraid, very afraid. :)

Kari said...

Oh my! Legos under the carpet!!! Sounds like my house.

All my boys' bedrooms are upstairs, sometimes I don't go up there for days...even a week or two. When I do, I encounter the same thing.

I want to re-create a sewing room for myself and I think I'll put it upstairs just so I have a reason to go up there more often and check things out...
