Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Harry Potter 6

After diligent research on, the kids and I discovered that they are NOT doing book 6 in 2 parts. At one point the producers were considering 2 movies, but ultimately decided to skip huge portions of book 6. I'm disappointed that so much will be left out. We are still awaiting the opening with baited breath even with the deletions. All the more reason for us to reread the book.


Glenda said...

Oh okay, thanks for looking all that up! The kids and I rewatched the trailor about ten times. After about the third or fourth, I realized it opens on my husband's bday. So now the kids think that is what we should give him for a present. lol!

Karen said...

Your kids are so thoughtful to give their dad just what he always wanted! One year my kids took Mike to Chuckie Cheeses for his birthday.