Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sewing Projects

My friend, Melinda does sewing for an orphanage in India. She makes night-gowns and pajamas for the children. After completing this summer's sewing, she found that she had cut out an extra 3 night-gowns. Last week, she gave me the cut-out gowns. After a short spell at the sewing machine, here are the results.

Paige is obviously growing up. I asked if I could take a picture of her and Allie for my blog. She responded, "Who will be seeing the picture? Will they laugh at me because I'm in my pajamas? It's okay, but tell them not to laugh?" So NO LAUGHING!!! I won't be taking any more pictures of her in pajamas because she's getting too old. But, I think the two girls look so sweet.


Melinda said...

Oh how cute your girls are. The jams turned out nice also. BTW they look like summer dresses so there is NO chance that I would laugh well I'd NEVER laugh at them anyways. You are so lucky to have such beautiful girls. :)

Michelle said...

AWW! No laughing here - they are so cute! And I would have also thought that they were dresses.