Monday, August 31, 2009

Just Another School Day

We started back to school today. I had told all the kids to get up and be ready for school by 8:30am. The children are old enough to set their alarms and determine how much time they need in the morning.

Mike had a really restless night, which meant that I didn't get much sleep. When he got up at 7:30, I told him to tell the kids to sleep in. (Oh, the benefits of homeschooling!) Mike drove Katie to work at 8:30. Around 9, I got up and called the remaining children and we started school. Our morning was chugging along nicely. Math, Bible, Read-a-Loud, spelling and writing was completed. A few minutes before noon, Katie's supervisor from work called. She was worried about Katie. Katie was dizzy, had lost her vision, and had a racing heartbeat. I grabbed the keys and left instructions for the older children. On the way to the library (where Kate works) I called Mike and told him what was happening. He left work to be with the younger children while I took Kate to emergency.

By the time we reached the hospital, Katie was feeling much better, but I took her in anyway. She had 2 EKG's, some chest x-rays, and blood work to check her blood sugar. Katie was put on an IV to get more liquids in her. After 3+ hours and lots of expenses, we learned that she had a panic attack. She is supposed to visit her regular physician in a few days for a follow-up.

Needless to say, not much school was accomplished while I was gone. We'll be completing our assignments this evening after supper.

This was not a particularly fun day, but we will probably remember this first day of school for a long time to come.


Melinda said...

Wow what a day! I hope Katie is feeling better.

Amy said...

Gee, no sooner do I leave, than something interesting happens...
Seriously though, tell Kate I said feel better!

Kari said...

YIKES. I hope she recovers fully.
