Sunday, September 20, 2009

Church Attire

My two boys have been outgrowing their clothing at incredible rates. Joe has gone through 2 pant sizes and 3 shoe sizes since May. Steve is also constantly in need of bigger shoes. Occasionally, I forget to take them shopping for new shoes. While getting ready for church this morning, Steve couldn't squeeze his feet into his church shoes. In exasperation, I told him to wear whatever he could find that wouldn't hurt his feet.

He rode to church with his dad in another vehicle, so I didn't see him until the service had begun. What did he finally end up wearing? A distinguished pin-striped suit and sneakers. My first thought upon seeing him was that he looked like Dr. Who. We'll be purchasing new dress shoes tomorrow.


Barb the Evil Genius said...

It's scary how fast children can grow out of things. It also seems like the Dancer needs dance clothes and shoes way too quickly!

Karen said...

Steve stayed about the same size for almost 5 years, so I'm happy that he's growing. In the past all the other children outgrew their previous clothes and shoes during the summer, once a year. My brain just hasn't made the adjustment to check who has outgrown items more frequently. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one purchasing shoes frequently.