Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Packing and Cleaning Frenze

Mike and I have been busy cleaning, disposing, and packing up little-used items for moving. Mike is tackling the garage which was used as a catch-all since our garage sale in July. Mike traveled a lot when he was in management. He drove 2 hours each way to work. Lots of driving means lots of oil changes and lots of used motor oil stored in 5 gallon drums in the garage. Mike only drives 30 minutes to work, but much of the old motor oil remains.

Being conscientious, eco-friendly people, we tried to drop off some of the used motor oil in recycling locations. The problem is that they only accept 5 gallons of used motor oil at a time. By hitting various locations, we were able to drop off 3 buckets of oil yesterday and will be dropping off 3 more buckets today. What a pain! Not to mention the extra gas (and motor oil) that will be used to transport the used oil.

Mike usually only takes off 1 day each week. It's a good thing that we have some time before we need to get out of this house.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Isn't moving fun?? Makes you take a hard look at the things that you'd just soon not look at!