Friday, September 11, 2009

Purchasing Fat Quarters

I picked up a dozen fat quarters from Joann's last week to make Christmas gifts for the kids. When I removed the sticky wrapping and unfolded the fabrics, I made a discovery. One of the fat quarters was unusable. The print was supposed to be black, charcoal, and red. In actuality it was black, charcoal, and red with white splotches throughout the fabric. The material was cut from a bad run of fabric. The fat quarter only cost me $1.49. Not enough to warrant running back to Joann's and waiting in line to return or replace the fabric. It's a small matter, but I feel cheated. Someone palmed off unsaleable fabric by hiding the flaws when packaging the product. I'll only be purchasing fabric off the bolt in the future, instead of grabbing a few fat quarters for small crafty type projects.

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