The leaves are falling at a good pace. Yesterday was a warm 60 degrees and sunny. So the afternoon session of "school" was canceled. Everyone went outside to soak up the sun, rake leaves, and enjoy one of the last nice days of the year. The kids and I used the leaf blower to make piles of leaves. My older kids wanted to immediately bag them up, but I wanted the younger kids to have the opportunity to jump in the leaves. After the older children complained about the piles getting strewn around the yard, they decided to join in on the fun.

Madelyn and Joe climbed the scruffy evergreen in our back yard. The tree really should be cut down. It is located on the fence line. We have privacy fence, so the tree has had a lot of pruning. After this picture was taken, a wasp was annoying the kids. They decided to jump down. Joe got his foot caught between the tree and the fence. He fell head first. The ground was fairly soft because he left a 3 inch hole where his head struck the dirt. I was concerned about concussion, but the only consequence was a headache.

The kids spent some time on the trampoline after we had finished working on the leaves. We'll be taking the trampoline down soon to move to the new house. I'm trying to wait as long as possible because it's used frequently by all the kids. This is Steve getting ready to do some flips.

Monday was such a beautiful day! I'm so thankful that we were able to slow down and spend the afternoon enjoying nature. We're supposed to have another nice day today, so maybe we'll play hooky again.
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