Wednesday, October 7, 2009

School Days

It's been a struggle for many of my children to get their school work completed this year. Paige and Allie want to do school all day long. They don't need to spend that much time doing school and I don't have that much time to devote to their education. Joe and Madelyn have been procrastinating and wasting time. Their school day should take about 3-4 hours. It's taking them 8-10 hours. I am nagging and assisting way too much and they are still not completing all their work. I feel like the wicked witch of the west and have involved their dad in trying to get schoolwork completed. Katie and Stephen are doing a good job of completing their assignments and require little of my time.

Last night, I developed a severe migraine and went to bed at 9:00. I didn't get much sleep, due to pain. Mike told me to try and have some caffeine and try to get some more sleep. I took some Tylenol with codine and had a cup of coffee, then went back to bed. Sleep finally became possible and I woke up at 12:30 to a silent household.

Mike had told the kids to work on their school quietly and to keep the youngest two girls from making noise. The children did a terrific job. Everyone was done with their schoolwork. (Why won't they do that for me?) The house was reasonably tidy and the youngest two girls were playing quietly in the family room.


Kari said...

Well, all the rukus must be for your benefit then. Don't ya just love it when kids do that?!?!?!? Sometimes, I think my household runs better with out me in it.

When my big kids were little, I used to watch them outside through the window while I did dishes. They looked like they were having so much fun...swinging, laughing, working together (not fighting). I'd hurry with the dishes, grab a book and a lawn chair to sit outside with them and take in as much love and sunshine as I could. Inevitably, the minute I got settled, the whining, bickering and rivalry would start... (!)

Made me wonder if the glass of the window just muffled the pandemonium.

I much preferred looking at life through that rose colored window!


Barb the Evil Genius said...

I'm just glad I wasn't the only one who had a hard time getting her kids to do their work. A big part of the reason why the youngest is doing public school this year. Oddly enough, although she had never attended school past preschool, she seems to find it easier doing stuff at school because it "feels like school."