Thursday, October 29, 2009

Where Do They Go?

What happens to all the pens, pencils, and crayons? I'm a dutiful homeschooling mom. Tons of pencils, crayons, and pens are purchased in the fall at the back-to-school sales. A few packets of each are placed in the desk drawers. The rest are strategically stashed away for when no one can find a writing utensil. We still have a constant shortage of writing instruments. The exception is crayons that find their way into the washer and dryer, but that is another issue.

Sunday, I needed to fill out some forms. After diligently digging through all the desks with no avail, I decided to hit my stash. After all, it's been almost two months since I replenished the supply. Guess what? My secret stash was gone! Some child had located my supplies and taken them. Could I fill out my forms in purple crayon? Would the post office be able to read purple crayon? Probably not. More pencils and pens were purchased. Where can I hide them? My underwear drawer is already hiding hairbrushes, combs, and hair bands. No room there.

A solution needs to be found for this problem. It drives me crazy. Several years ago, I purchased pencils and pens with different colored surfaces. Each child was assigned a color, so I knew who was not putting their supplies away. The plan wasn't too successful. At this point, we have too many people to assign a color. There isn't enough space to give each child a pencil box. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Glenda said...

No, but I"m waiting for that "magic" plan (or fairy) that will keep everything in its place and a place for everything.