Sunday, June 12, 2011


Our garden is flourishing! We harvested a lot of lettuces and radishes this week. A few of the lettuce leaves were bitter, probably due to the excessively hot weather recently. The onions have large tops. Paige and Allie are anxious to pick them, but they aren't ready yet. The pepper plants are flowering. We had some sections of the bean rows that didn't come up. Beans aren't a favorite vegetable around here, so it's not too big of a loss. The tomatoes and broccoli are filling out nicely. I'm so excited to be able to grow vegetables for us again.

Madelyn and I spent a few hours weeding this weekend. I'm going to force the other children to help us finish it off today. The temperature is so cool that it's actually fun to be outside weeding!

The big disappointment this year is our herb container garden. In the past, I've always purchased our herbs as plants. This year, I tried seeds. Very few of them germinated. It was very cool here in May, so I haven't completely given up hope. Maybe, I should check out the green houses for any leftover herb plants just to be safe.

1 comment:

Ewe said...

I did purchase herb plants and about 1/2 of them died already with our crazy weather this year. I sent dh back to the local greenhouse the beginning of June and the herbs were all sold out. It's probably too late to plant seeds? The rest of our garden is doing great, but the herbs dying was expensive both for the plants and if I need to get herbs for a recipe at the store. Our family is addicted to cilantro and I wish the cilantro would have grown better!