Thursday, July 16, 2009

Costly Mistakes

Money has been tight around here for the last few years. My van died in May and we've been trying to save up the money to replace it. Mike and I thought that we would be able to purchase a decent used van for me at the end of August. We don't want to add a car payment to our monthly budget because Mike's wages can fluctuate a great deal from month to month.

Our plans may now change. Yesterday, one of my children used a heavy magazine to hit a bee that was resting on the glass of our picture window. The window is now cracked from one side to the other. The window is old and the wood is no longer in good enough shape to simply repair the glass. The replacement cost is $2997. YIKES!

Six of our children have birthdays between Aug 27 and December 30. Christmas is bought for the munchkins in the fall. We never seem to be able to save money in the last quarter of the year. It's now very possible that I won't have a car until after Christmas. And all because a small bee was flying in the living room.


Melinda said...

Oh Karen, I am so sorry this happened. What an expensive life lesson for the kids to learn. Not to mention the rest of us who read this. Heavens knows we all have grabbed the first things handy to hit a bug. I'll be thinking twice. Hopefully it won't take until after Christmas to get a van!

Barb the Evil Genius said...

There always seems to be twenty different places for the money to go, doesn't there? Hopefully you will be able to recover from this quicker than you think.

Susan said...
