Wednesday, July 29, 2009


My younger girls were not allowed to dance last year, due to time and money constraints. Their former dance instructor called me and offered me a great deal on dance lessons for the 3 girls this year. She really enjoyed them and missed having them in her classes. Madelyn had been one of her competitive dancers and was one of the top 3 dancers in the studio.

Madelyn, Paige, and Alison began classes yesterday. Madelyn is taking ballet and jazz, while the younger girls are both in combo classes. The girls really enjoyed dancing again. I'm so thankful that they have this opportunity. God is so good!


Barb the Evil Genius said...

Alex has been taking jazz and Mom/Kid Ballet with me this summer; our last class is tomorrow. This school year she'll be taking ballet, jazz and tap. I'd also like to throw Irish step into the mix if we can.

Karen said...

How fun! If a Mom/Kid class had been available for the younger girls and myself, I would have joined them in regular exercise. Madelyn would like to take Irish step class too, but her studio doesn't offer that class. The closest Irish dance studio is 40 minutes away and I just don't have time to make that trip regularly.