Monday, August 10, 2009

Catching Up

We had a really busy weekend with lots of traveling. Friday, I went and got my hair cut with Madelyn and Amy. It's not too short, but is much better shaped. Mike and the boys Mike went to camp in the afternoon. They had a great time in spite of the heavy rainfall.

I woke up at 4:00am Saturday and dyed my hair. It's brown....really dark brown...almost as dark brown as it was when I was a child. The blond hair coloring is still in the cabinet, waiting to be used next month. I didn't want to risk really bad hair at my nephew's wedding later in the day.

Mike returned on Saturday afternoon to take me to the wedding. My mom and my sister Margie called to ask if they could get a ride with us. Margie hates to drive in heavy traffic. They both arrived at my house at 3:30. The wedding started at 5:00 and we had a 1 hour journey ahead of us.

It was a beautiful drive to the wedding. Our trip took us through farm country and small towns. Unfortunately, we made one wrong turn and found it necessary to backtrack. We arrived at the wedding hall (not a church wedding) at 5:01. The staff at the hall refused to let us enter the facility. Mike mentioned that my mom was the groom's grandmother and asked if they could let her inside. The staff refused. So we all went outside and sat in the car drinking water. After 5 minutes, a staff member approached the car and stated that they would let us inside. The entire ceremony lasted about 20 minutes. We were able to see the vows.

My brother-in-law (separated from my sister) came to the wedding with their children. He didn't stay for the reception, but we were able to talk to them before they left. My sister brought her boyfriend to the wedding. I had met him at a craft show around the 4th of July. My mom didn't want to sit with that sister, so we found a table on the other side of the hall. Unfortunately, the table my mom picked had my brother's ex-wife and my mom's former boss (who mom turned in for theft) already seated there. It was a little awkward.

After about 10 minutes of strained conversation, my brother invited mom and us to sit at his reserved table in the front. We had so much fun! I haven't laughed so much in months! My nephew and his new wife came by and talked with us several times. She seems very nice. We left around 9:30 because my mom was getting exhausted. Her last treatment of chemo has left her easily tired.

Sunday, the boys came home from camp. We went back over to the church early and looked at a few properties in the area. There is one home that we are really interested in purchasing, if the inside is okay. I love the country setting and we would have 1 1/2 acres which would allow me to garden. The property also has some fruit trees. Yum! We have an appointment on Thursday to view the inside and if it looks good, we will place an offer.

Today, I've been running the kids all over the place, cleaning, and getting a little sewing done.

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