Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

I am officially a really old person, no longer middle-aged (unless I live to 92.) Yesterday, Amy made homemade cheesecake that was moist, creamy, and delicious. Mike and I spent the day looking at properties, then came home for take-out pizza from my favorite pizza place. The kids had cleaned and decorated the house. I had some time after dinner to play ball with some of the kids before heading off to the grocery store. It was a nice birthday, with lots of time to talk to Mike without interruptions.

This morning, I took some of my birthday money and got my hair cut. The stylist did a good job, without making my hair too short. Amy and I will be dying my hair this evening. While we were out, I purchased a jacket and shirt to wear to my nephew's wedding on Saturday.

Mike and the boys left for camp around noon, so the girls and I are planning to do facials tonight and watch chick flicks until the early hours of the morning.


Melinda said...

Is this mystery picture a picture of the birthday gal? Maybe it's only a mystery to me? Happy Birthday!

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Wow, that's a decadent looking cake! Happy birthday!