Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thirty Days Left

Only 30 days, until the next school year begins. We have decided to stop searching for a new home, due to lack of time. We're going to fix up our current home and place it on the market in the next two years. I will be doing a lot of the work, but I enjoy diy projects and really need to do things that will help get me out of my funk. I haven't been able to shake my depression this summer and it seems to be getting worse. Michael even suggested that I go see "someone".

My oldest two students will be taking 2 classes each at the local junior college in the fall. Katie will probably attend full time for the second semester, while Steve will continue taking 2 classes. This will give me more time to teach the younger two girls to read and work on projects for the house.

Katie, Madelyn and Paige had a great time at camp. Katie and Paige tied for 3rd place in the canoe races. Madelyn won 1st place in the sand castle competition. Paige was disappointed that she only got 3rd in sand castle, but plans to "beat Madelyn next time." As you can see, sisterly love abounds around here. Madelyn also won 2nd place in the fishing competition. She's my only daughter that likes to bait hooks.

The boys returned for their camping trip, with friends from church, on Sunday also. This is the third time that the Molls have taken the boys camping in a camper. We tend to camp in tents, so this is a real treat. Camping has decreased a lot in our state this year. The Molls were the only people camping in the entire camp ground. This park is normally fully booked all summer and fall. Steve found a Timex Indigo watch in the bottom of the lake. Surprisingly, the watch was still working.

My list of projects to complete this summer continues to grow. Here are the projects still needing to be completed:

Wash the exterior of the house
Paint exterior of the house
Scrape and paint the exterior of the garage
Paint the youngest girls' bedroom
Tear out and replace the ugly tile dining room ceiling and replace with dry wall
Complete lesson plans for the upcoming school year
Paint the dining room
Touch up the paint in the family room
Sort out the school cupboards
Sew Christmas gifts
Sew birthday gifts for 6 of my children
Cut down a pine tree in the front yard and remove stump
Replace side door on the garage
Replace picture window in the living room

Obviously, I won't get them all done by September 3, but I'd like to make substantial headway.

1 comment:

Barb the Evil Genius said...

If you have symptoms of clinical depression, it is better to see a professional sooner rather than later. Praying for you.