Saturday, August 1, 2009

Home Alone

I dropped Katie, Madelyn, and Paige off at camp yesterday. The camp is located about 2 1/2 hours north of our home, when the driver doesn't get lost. It took me 6 1/2 hours to make the trip to camp and back. I dislike tall, scary bridges. We ended up having to cross and recross the nerve-wracking type of bridges several times and I search for the correct turn-off. Kaitlyn didn't help matters with her comment that the bridges make her nervous. I could have done without learning that she always fears bridges will collapse underneath her or fall on her head.

Paige helped change the conversation by frequently (every 5 minutes) remarking that she was still hungry. Other oft-heard comments were "Are we almost there yet?" and the inspiring message "We'll never get there, because mommy is lost."

The Pioneer leader from our church has offered to bring the girls back to church on Sunday. I'm going to accept her generous gift.

Thursday, a family from church picked up the boys to take them camping for the weekend. The boys should have a great time.

It was strange getting the remaining child into bed last night. One trip to the bathroom. one saying of prayers, one kiss good-night happens so fast. The normal 1/2 hour bedtime ordeal took 5 minutes. Allie was asleep in 10 minutes. Usually, I'm still trying to get the house quiet 2 hours after the youngest ones are sent to bed.

Everyone returns on Sunday, but I plan to enjoy the quiet until then.

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