Saturday, August 1, 2009

Employment and No House

We had scheduled a builder to look at the house we were considering. One of us had already split up the bedrooms in her mind. Then the agent called to say that an offer was accepted on the property. BUMMER.

Thursday, Katie had her interview at the library. She was required to bring 2 letters of recommendation, take a written test and perform some computer operations as part of the interview. I drove her to the interview and waited in the car in the parking lot. She returned after 40 minutes, sat down, and burst into tears. The flash drive wasn't recognized by the computer. She thought that the interview went well. She was satisfied with her written test, but was discouraged with the computer portion of the interview. There were 10 people interviewing for one position.

After returning home, Katie checked her email. One part of the computer test was to email an attached document to the person giving the job interviews. Katie's email had been returned as undeliverable. She tried resending the document from our home computer, but the address wasn't working. I tried to get the email address from the library website to no avail. Finally, we called Amy (who was working at the library) to check the address. Amy provided Kate with the address and the document was resent.

Friday morning, Katie received a phone call informing her that she got the job! Katie is so excited. She begins work on Wednesday morning. Yay!

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