Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Why is it that I always find excuses to not do the jobs that I don't feel like doing? For the last week, I've been trying to fool myself into believing that I will wash all the windows and install the storm windows at our current home. My plan of attack is carefully made the evening before. The plan is to wash and install two windows right after I drop Steve off at college and Kate off at work. The windows will be done in small amounts in between trips to drop off and pick up various children throughout the day. After the first taxi-run, other things begin to interfere with my good intentions. Occasionally, the delay will be for something worthwhile...like teaching Paige reading or helping Joe with math. Usually though, the delay is that I find something I'd rather do. Today's delay was caused by packing up school books that we won't be using until after we move. I also spent some time running the vacuum around the living room. Another "important" task that had to be done today was to watch two episodes of Dr. Who before the DVDs needed to be returned to the library. Even though I polished furniture and washed woodwork while watching Dr. Who, those jobs weren't necessary today.

All the leaves have fallen off the trees at our current home. The days are shorter and the evenings are cool. Soon the sub-freezing temperatures will be here and my leaves will still be scattered all over the back yard and our house will be cold and drafty. Money will be wasted trying to heat our home. It's time to stop procrastinating and begin completing the unpalatable tasks that need to be done here. Tomorrow.

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