Sunday, October 3, 2010

Letter Boxing Habit

I was really bad last week. Joe and I went letterboxing on Wednesday. Mike and I went letterboxing on Thursday. Mike, Madelyn and I went letterboxing on Friday. Saturday, I went letterboxing with my friend Melinda. Friday and Saturday were all day excursions. My other children are beginning to feel neglected.

On the plus side, I've gotten a lot of exercise and have logged more than 100 finds this summer. Several new parks and hiking trails have been found for future family outings. It's been such a nice break to get outside in the woods regularly. I even feel more calm and relaxed.

This week, my letterboxing hobby will need to be scaled back. so more time can be spent with the kids. Some weatherizing needs to happen with the house as well, so time will need to be spent getting ready for the cold nights that are beginning to arrive.

Hopefully, I'll be able to grab a few boxes while driving to my mom's house on Monday and a few boxes on Wednesday, while Madelyn is at writing class. Fall is quickly turning to cold and wet weather, so there aren't many more days left to letterbox this year.

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