Friday, September 20, 2013

Crazy Week

This has been a difficult week for our family.  Mike took the week off of work to put in some time on the other house in preparation for getting it on the market.  Having Mike home is always wonderful, but if week keep having weeks like this, he will probably stay at work in the future.

Our cable and internet was finally installed.  It sounds like a simple thing, but our installation was a little complicated.  The satellite could only get a signal from a spot 200 feet from the house in the backyard.  The installer began to dig the hole and needed to bend a pole to hold the dish.  He was pounding the pole on the ground to make the bend flat when the pole bounced off the ground and hit is leg.  The pole created a 2" slice in the middle of his shin.  He called for one of the children to get me.  I ran down the hill and applied bandages and tied up the wound. 

Madelyn was my unenthusiastic helper who held the first aid kit and ran to the house to get a bag of ice.  The installation guy got on the phone and talked with his boss, workers compensation and someone else about the injury.  His boss left immediately from the large town 30 minutes north of us to pick him up and take him to the hospital for stitches.  I offered to drive him to the hospital (3 minutes away), but he wanted to wait for his employer.  We waited an hour for the boss to arrive.  The installer spent the time commenting about who would pay for his lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering. 

One of my children has been breaking everything in sight.  Plates, bowls, books are all in jeopardy around here.  Last night, the aforementioned child climbed on the upstairs bathroom vanity.  I don't know how it happened, but the vanity was pulled away from the wall and fell over, breaking all the pipes in the process.  Water streamed all over the floor.  By the time we managed to turn off the water, there was 3 inches of water.  Everyone pitched in and tried to sop up the water with all our towels, but quite a bit of water leaked through to the kitchen.  About 40 percent of the ceiling needed to be replaced due to water damage.  By the time everything was "picked up" it was 1:00am.

 Today, Mike redid the plumbing in the bathroom and began to work on the ceiling.  I was helping him cut some materials, using a rotary cutter.  Mike was holding down the straight edge for me.  He moved his hand to apply pressure in another area.  Unfortunately, he placed his hand directly in front of the cutter and I accidentally sliced his thumb.  He had to take a trip to the hospital to get it closed up properly. 

Mike is taking next week off of work as well.   We're praying that the week is more productive and less exciting.

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