Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Paige's Birthday

My children don't have birthday parties every year.  They usually have one when they are in late elementary school and then a slumber party when they are older.  Except for the children whose birthdays fall in December.  They tend to have summer pool parties and just have a special friend spend the night on their birthday.  December is too busy (and expensive) to host three birthday parties.

Paige turned 11 on April 8.  She wanted to have a slumber party, but Amy usually gets up for work at 3 am on the weekend and Mike needs to leave the house around 7:30 for work.  Neither one of them would get any sleep if there were hordes of preteens "sleeping" here.  We decided to have a party at the bowling alley.  Paige loves to bowl and it would make her party special. She had several people say they were coming and then not show up at the party.  Over 70 percent of the people invited didn't respond at all.  I'm not going on a rant about bad manners and the difficulty of planning a party when you have no idea how many people are coming.

Paige had 6 of her closest friends come to her party.  They were all close friends and she had a good time with them. 
The girls were able to get three games of bowling, eat refreshments, open presents, and check out the arcade games before their parents arrived to pick them up. 

We had Paige's family party on her birthday.  She had white cake with fudgy frosting. 

Happy Birthday to our new one-teen!

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