We made it 2 days into the new year before it was necessary to take someone to the emergency room. I was hoping that after we got into a larger house we would have fewer hospital trips. It was not to be. Last night, Allie fell down the basement stairs onto the cement floor. The two of us curled up on the couch as ice was applied to the swelling on her head. She got groggy and then asked me how she got hurt. I made her sit up straight and asked her some questions. What did she have for supper? She didn't remember. How old was she? She thought that she was 4. (She's 5) Did she remember how she got hurt? No. What was her name. Allie. I was still concerned, so Mike took her over to the emergency room to get checked out.
She's fine. There was no wait at the hospital. They were home in 40 minutes from when they left. 40 minutes!!! I have never been had an emergency room visit last less that 2-3 hours. Wow! Living in a small town as some advantages.
1 comment:
How scary! Glad she's okay.
The nurses in the ER knew my mil by first name when my husband and his sisters were growing up.
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